Sunday, January 6, 2019

Did John G. Trump Send Nikola Tesla To The Obscurity Dustbin of History?

Given that President Trump had recently managed to drag his rather obscure scientist uncle with his latest climate change denying Tweet, did John G. Trump played his part in sending Nikola Tesla to the obscurity dustbin of history?

By: Ringo Bones

Despite of being praised by Albert Einstein as the smartest scientist who ever lived, it wasn’t until the mid to late 1980 – primarily through the Californian heavy metal band Tesla and sometimes not even so – where non scientists and non engineers became familiar again with the life and work of Nikola Tesla. Fast forward to 2018 where President Trump mentioned his MIT trained scientist paternal uncle named John G. Trump as the reason why he is “genetically qualified” to declare that climate change is a hoax. Politicking aside, did John G. Trump was really responsible for sending Nikola Tesla to obscurity?

John George Trump was a physicist who got his PhD from MIT in 1933. In 1942 he became Secretary of the Microwave Committee – a sub-committee of the National Defense Research Committee. When Nikola Tesla passed away in 1943 in the New York Hotel, Trump was one of the top experts who declared that Tesla’s papers were not of strategic significance despite after declassification of some of them in May 2018 that there’s a plausibility that Tesla’s famed “Death Ray” might have worked.

Before he passed away in February 21, 1985, the then US President Ronald Reagan has awarded John G. Trump the National Medal of Science in 1983. I think this was probably the last of the general public had heard of him after being recently mentioned in President Trump’s “crazy climate change denial Tweets” in the autumn of 2018. Given his sway of authority in America’s wartime department during World War II, is it fair to say that John G. Trump really possessed the power and authority to send the Croatian émigré and inventor way ahead of his time Nikola Tesla to the obscurity dustbin of history?

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